Friday, November 23, 2018

Strength Training

As I've said in a previous post I've joined Travis County Strength to help me get stronger. I have been appalled at my level of weakness! As a competitive rower I've always perceived myself as strong. However, there's a reason for the phrase "Use it, or lose it!" I had not used it, and had lost it! Taekwondo helped slow the descent but once I stopped that the rot really set in. Can't do push ups anymore!

So now I'm lifting barbells. Squat, deadlift, overhead press. Plus other weird stuff like hefting stones, pushing or pulling sleds, and bag carries.

Doing a squat (especially) correctly is not easy. I am learning though. My goal is 240 lbs; it might take years or I may never get there. Currently I have done 80 lbs in a back squat, and 100 lbs in a box squat. 130 lbs for a deadlift. 60 lbs for a push press. None of these are large numbers. I train with women who can lift more than twice this much, and men who shift mind-boggling weight. And they get right down in the squat (ass to grass). I'd rather do lighter weight through full range of motion than heavier weight in a half squat, but getting down there is not easy.

Of course there's running as well - Mosaic for me and Phoebe next weekend.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Jack's Generic Tri

I always seem to be nervous for triathlons. More so than anything else I do I ponder why I am there at the start. Why do I do this to myself? I am definitely out of my comfort zone. However, once I get started its all OK. My race went fine. I worked hard on the bike and the run. I enjoyed seeing friends - some were surprise encounters as I had no idea they'd be there. Kippers, Staci, Chuck and Jon. Tammy had a difficult day so we are both glad to now focus on Bandera.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Resurrection of the blog

We are well beyond the 100 miles. 6 years on in fact. Going to restart the blog with a few entries looking forward.

Next up are:
Jack's Generic Tri - Austin August 26
Bandera 25k - Bandera TX Jan 6, 2019
Cape Fear 50k North Carolina Mar 16 2019
Grand Teton redo WY July/Aug 2019

I have returned to my love of mountains and trails. But to keep doing these I have to be stronger. I have joined a strength training group at Travis County Strength. The trainers, Jen and Travis, are awesome. If I'm consistent there is no doubt I will get stronger.

On a completely different topic I am excited and hopeful to see Imran Khan is now PM of Pakistan. Go Imran!