Friday, August 31, 2018

Jack's Generic Tri

I always seem to be nervous for triathlons. More so than anything else I do I ponder why I am there at the start. Why do I do this to myself? I am definitely out of my comfort zone. However, once I get started its all OK. My race went fine. I worked hard on the bike and the run. I enjoyed seeing friends - some were surprise encounters as I had no idea they'd be there. Kippers, Staci, Chuck and Jon. Tammy had a difficult day so we are both glad to now focus on Bandera.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Resurrection of the blog

We are well beyond the 100 miles. 6 years on in fact. Going to restart the blog with a few entries looking forward.

Next up are:
Jack's Generic Tri - Austin August 26
Bandera 25k - Bandera TX Jan 6, 2019
Cape Fear 50k North Carolina Mar 16 2019
Grand Teton redo WY July/Aug 2019

I have returned to my love of mountains and trails. But to keep doing these I have to be stronger. I have joined a strength training group at Travis County Strength. The trainers, Jen and Travis, are awesome. If I'm consistent there is no doubt I will get stronger.

On a completely different topic I am excited and hopeful to see Imran Khan is now PM of Pakistan. Go Imran!