Friday, July 6, 2012

Alright then. Time to resurrect the blog - on Olga's instructions. Latest is that I got diddled out of 3rd place at the Lago Vista Firecracker 5k 'cos my chip didn't work :( Actually I don't care that much, but I'd like to know my time. I can never seem to remember to stop my watch in races - what a dimwit I am.

Lots to follow this summer. Paul and Meredith doing the 100 Slam and IM Kona, Cheryl Zwarkowski attempting a Badwater Triple, Josh Winter doing his first 100 at Leadville. And Andrew doing his second IM in 3 weeks. Did I miss anything out? And then there's the Olympics. We have tix for Taekwondo, Archery and Track&Field.

But first I have to get through the weekend of Wimbledon. Just like a number 9 bus ......we don't get anyone in the finals for ages and then 2 come along together. Murray and Marray.


  1. Welcome back, and out of the woods!

  2. Thanks Olga. Blogging is fun if I have the time, and like a millstone if I don't. It might be sporadic! I still love reading yours.
